Our answers to your questions

We answer the most frequently asked questions about renting our 4x4 vehicles and our rooftop tents. You will also find important information about traveling to Colombia, safety and useful links.

Is Colombia safe?

Today, Colombia is mostly a safe country for tourists – with breathtaking nature and exciting culture that welcomes travelers with open arms. Unfortunately, the image of the "most dangerous country in the world" from the 1990s still lingers in many people's minds. However, the situation has improved considerably: as long as you don't venture into certain border areas and don't undertake any risky maneuvers such as driving at night, Colombia is as safe as any other Latin American country.

Here you will find answers to the questions we are most frequently asked about safety. Feel free to contact us for more information and take a look at our info links.

Safety with Karakoles – there for you on site

  • We are your English-speaking contact on site and can be reached by phone, email and WhatsApp.
  • Our fully comprehensive insurance covers almost the entire country. We can fix almost any breakdown within a few hours.
  • We provide safe transfers from the airport or hotel in Bogotá.
  • We are happy to help you plan a safe route through Colombia, and you can also be inspired by our route suggestions.
  • On request, we can also clarify all your questions in advance in a phone call or video call!

In Colombia, you should take the same general safety precautions as everywhere else: Do not leave any valuables in plain sight in the car, do not pick up any hitchhikers, park the car in a safe place and lock it. Especially important for your road trip: please avoid driving at night! Apart from the fact that you won't be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery, we advise against driving at night. Country roads have few road signs and there can sometimes be unmarked landslides.

Which regions should I not travel to?

All border regions of Colombia are not recommended, as a lot of smuggling takes place across these often green borders. The remaining 500,000 square kilometers offer enough stunning nature, culture and experiences. We are happy to help you plan your route.

How safe are the roads in Colombia?

The roads in Colombia are generally safe, but due to the many mountains there are often landslides that can make a route impassable for hours or days. The rural population in Colombia is open-minded and helpful, but we at Karakoles are not far away either. Our garage is located in Bogotá and our office in Cali. From these ideally situated locations, we can be on the spot within a few hours in the event of breakdowns or problems.

What about medical care?

There is no need to worry about medical care in Colombia, as the country has one of the best healthcare systems in Latin America and health tourism is an important economic factor. All major cities have top-class international hospitals. We are also happy to be your German-speaking contact if you have any questions.

Where can I get more information?

Information on Colombia’s transition – politically, economically, touristically:

Current safety recommendations for Colombia: Look for your government’s official travel advice for Colombia.

You can find more links on traveling in Colombia and road trip safety here.

Please note: The security situation in Colombia can change at any time. It is best to find out about the current safety information before and during your trip. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

When is the best time to travel?

Colombia is worth a visit all year round! The best times in general are December to March and June to August. Depending on your destination, you should factor in the dry and rainy seasons. If you are heading for the Caribbean coast, for example, the months from December to April are ideal. Just talk to us and we will advise you.

Contact us

What is there to see?

Simply everything! From cities like Cali and Medellín to breathtaking coastlines and spectacular mountains right through to idyllic beaches, volcanoes and deserts, Colombia is incredibly diverse and has something for every adventurer and thrill-seeker. We will be happy to help you plan your route and give you insider tips on the best places in the country depending on your interests and driving abilities.

What vaccinations do I need?

The Federal Foreign Office recommends the conventional vaccinations against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and also hepatitis A. Vaccinations against hepatitis B and typhoid fever are also recommended for long stays of more than 3 months. A yellow fever vaccination is also advisable. You should have mosquito repellent sprays in your luggage.

Will my driving licence be valid?

Your German driving licence will be perfectly sufficient to rent an off-road vehicle from us and drive through Colombia. You do not need an international driving licence.

Do I need a visa?

German, Austrian and Swiss citizens do not need a visa to travel to Colombia. A passport which is still valid for at least 6 months is entirely sufficient. You will be asked to fill out the D.A.S. form when you have arrived and will be issued with a visa for up to 90 days.

What is the traffic like in Colombia?

There are road traffic regulations, most of which are in line with international standards, but the rules are not always followed entirely, as is the case in many parts of the world. Most of the road surfaces are good. There are occasional potholes and unpaved roads from time to time to increase the enjoyment. The “Pico y Placa” rule is important because certain cars are not allowed to drive into the city on certain weekdays and at specific times in the rush hour, depending on the licence plate number. Every city has its own rules and these change every 6 months, so you should look up the latest information in advance on the Internet – we will be happy to help you.

How does the rental process work?

Simply contact us on WhatsApp, by email or use the contact form and ask for a vehicle with a rooftop tent. Once you have arrived in Colombia, we can help you coordinate a transport to our base near Bogotá. Since our offices are located in Cali, it is important that we resolve all questions before your arrival. Our local staff will show you how to put the rooftop tent up and down so that you have seen how it works and can easily do it again. We are happy to offer you 4x4 off-road driving training and help you to plan your route.

When can I return the car?

You can return the cleaned car from Monday to Friday from 02:00 p.m. to 04:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 09:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.. Please note the national public holidays in Colombia.

What do I need to bring with me?

We will of course provide you with the basic camping essentials. This consists of:

  • Dishes
  • Portable stove
  • Cool box
  • Hammock
  • Chairs
  • Table
  • Gloves
  • Emergency kit

You only need to bring your own towels, sleeping bags, torch, kitchen utensils (napkins, rubbish bags, etc.), food and drinks.

Your question hasn’t been answered? Then simply write to us on WhatsApp or by email. We will be happy to help you.